學(xué)習(xí)頻道 來源: 陽光高考信息平臺 2025-02-26 大 中 小
年級 | 七年級 | 九年級 | 高三 |
近視率 | 23% | 35% | 70% |
A possible version:
A recent study in our school shows that more and more students have become near-sighted. The study says that 70 percent of Senior Three students are near-sighted. It also says that 35% of Grade Nine students are near-sighted, but it was only 23% when they were in Grade Seven.
I think the main causes are as follows. First, we have to do a lot of homework, especially in Grade Nine and Senior Three. Second, some of us spend too much time in front of the computer. Furthermore, some students often read lying in bed or in dim light.
Therefore, we must allocate time for our lessons scientifically, spend less time in front of the computer, and develop good reading habits. Most importantly, we must allow our eyes a rest during work from time to time. Only in this way can we prevent our eyes from being near-sighted.
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