學(xué)習(xí)頻道 來源: 大慶鐵人中學(xué) 2025-02-26 大 中 小
Body language is an important part of communication. If you wish to communicate well, it is important to understand how you can use your body to say what you mean. You should also pay attention to other people’s body language.
When a person is bored, his whole body is telling you. If you are trying to persuade him to buy your products, don’t bother unless you are trying to make them give in.
A bored person looks anywhere but at the person who is talking to him. He finds other things to do, from talking with others to looking around the room. He may also keep looking at his watch or a wall clock. Bored people often do things such as tap their toes, swing their feet or drum their fingers again and again.
People who feel that they are unable to act to relieve(減輕)their boredom may show signs of tiredness. They may yawn(打哈欠), sink into their seats, lean against a wall or just bend downwards where they are standing. Their faces may also show a lack of interest and appear blank.
There are many reasons for boredom. If a person is not interested in his surroundings or what is going on, he may become bored. The disinterest may also be feigned if he does not want you to see that he is interested. Watch for leaking signs of readiness(愿意) in these cases.
46. When a person is bored, he’ll do many things EXCEPT ______.
A. have blank facial expression
B. repeat some actions many times
C. show some signs of tiredness
D. have eye contact with the speaker
47. What does the underlined word “feigned” in Paragraph Five probably mean?
A. Hidden. B. Tried. C. Pretended. D. Judged.
48.What does the writer mainly tell us in the passage?
A. The role of language cannot be replaced.
B. The reasons why listeners feel bored are various.
C. You can communicate well with body language.
D. Body language can give away what a person really feels.
英語學(xué)習(xí) http://yunyouxuan.cn/english/
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