學習頻道 來源: 陽光學習網(wǎng) 2025-02-26 大 中 小
W: Are you sure you know where this bus goes?
M: It should go to Altadena.
W: But it doesn’t look like we’re on our way to Altadena.
(Text 6)
W: What do you think is the best way to get to our branch office in Madrid?
M: Well, I would recommend flying, but the weather has been unpredictable lately with heavy rains. Taking a bus or driving your own car may be dangerous. So, taking the train may be your best choice.
W: You’re right. I will call the station and find out if they are still running on schedule.
M: Actually, we can find it on their website. Please wait a moment while I finish this e-mail.
(Text 7)
M: Hello, I’m calling to find out what time your store closes today.
W: We’re actually closing in half an hour at 9 p.m. Tomorrow we’ll be open from 11 a.m. to midnight.
M: Hmm, I won’t be able to make it there in the next 30 minutes and I need to return a DVD before I go out of town at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
W: We have an after-hours drop box, so you can come by after we close and return the DVD. So you don’t need to pay a late fee.
M: All right. I’d get it done today.
(Text 8)
M: The apartment, Green Valley, is only seven hundred dollars a month which is a lot cheaper than the one that I just showed you. And it’s big. But of course, it doesn’t have an impressive view of the city, which is reflected in the rent.
W: Oh, well, it doesn’t really matter to me whether it has a good view or not, and I do like the fact that the underground is so close. Does the apartment come fully furnished?
M: Sure. It is included in the rental fee. However, you’ll have to pay for the electricity. Oh, and also the phone line if you want one.
W: Actually I’ll probably just use my mobile phone. Well, I think this place is perfect for me. Could I fill out the paperwork today? I’d like to move in as soon as possible.
(Text 9)
W: Welcome to HD Cinema. What can I do for you?
M: Well ... I wonder when KungFu Panda III is showing.
W: There are five showings today, one at noon, and then 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m., and 11 p.m. At the weekend, besides these five showings, there is another showing at midnight.
M: OK, I’d like six tickets for the 11 p.m. showing tonight.
W: Let me see. Oh, I’m sorry, but there are only three tickets left. How about the 8 p.m. one? There are still 10 tickets left for that show.
M: But I have a friend who won’t get off work until 8 p.m.. Is there any way that we could book tickets for tomorrow?
W: Of course. What time would you like for tomorrow?
M: Tomorrow is Saturday, so I think there might be more people who want to see the movie. How many tickets can I buy at a time?
W: The limit for advanced tickets is ten.
M: OK, I’ll have 10 tickets for the midnight show tomorrow.
W: OK.
(Text 10)
M: The World Tourism Organization says that space will soon be a popular place to go on holiday — possibly by 2020. One Japanese company is getting ready. They are planning a space holiday centre. It will look like a bicycle wheel and have a hotel for 100 people and a theme park. It will travel round the Earth at a height of 300 km. The centre will likely be ready in 2017. The company chairman says he thinks that flying to the centre will probably be quicker than flying from Hong Kong to Singapore. When they are on board the centre, the tourists will take short trips to the moon or go for walks in space. But what about the cost? Well, the company believes that people will be happy to pay about 100,000 dollars for a trip but they think that as more people want to go, the trip will become much cheaper.
An American hotel group is also thinking of building a hotel, called the Lunar Hotel. It’s probably be ready by 2019. This will be on the moon. Most of the hotel will be under the ground so it won’t become too hot or too cold. The rooms will look just like they do on Earth with curtains, carpets, plants and they will have wall-to-wall television. The guests will eat normal food for lunch. The cooks will just push a button to mix dried food with water to become an instant meal! There will be little or no dirt and there won’t be much water, so the hotel won’t wash the towels or sheets — it will throw them away!
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